The Greater Toronto Area (GTA) is now joined by the rest of the province of Ontario in a full lock-down. The Board of Directors (BoD) is asking everyone to exercise caution and care for one another by continuing to wear masks and by maintaining physical distance protocols.
All Residents are asked to comply with the City of Toronto By-Law #322-2020 and take measures for physical–distancing to take necessary preventive measures to avoid any possible infection from the COVID–19 virus.
City of Toronto passed By-Law #541-2020 requiring all persons entering or remaining in all common areas to wear a mask, which covers the nose, mouth and chin as of August 05, 2020.
The BoD encourages all Residents and visitors to comply with all applicable municipal, provincial, and federal legislation during this uncertain period. Exceptions include people who cannot wear a mask for medical reasons or children under two or those who require accommodation under the Ontario Human Rights Code.