The #infrastructure projects impacting our community were first introduced in the #2016Newsletter. These are very important to recognize because they influence the value of our property and they impact operations and services to our immediate community. The newsletter introduced the 25-stop #Metrolinx #EglintonCrosstown #LRT, which features 3 stations in our #neighbourhood at Ontario Science Centre, #AgaKhanMuseum and #Wynford Drive.
The Eglinton Crosstown is a Metrolinx #LightRail transit system. The Ontario Line, on the other hand, is an #underground subway line.
It also had highlighted the #condominium #development at the #DonMills and #Eglinton intersection which includes commercial and park spaces.
In this edition we turn our attention to the newly projected #OntarioLine, which will bring nearly 16 kilometres of #public commuter #transportation service from the #OntarioScienceCentre all the way to #ExhibitionPlace and #OntarioPlace.
This is projected to be a full subway line with 15 potential #stations including 6 total interchange stations, as well as connections to 3 #GOTrain lines, 2 existing subway lines, the #EglintonCrosstown #LRT, and #streetcar lines at 10 of its stations. It will also feature combinations of tunnelled, surface as well as several elevated segments and will run independent of traffic to provide fewer interruptions and greater convenience to the commuter experience. #FlemingdonPark as well as #ThorncliffePark are two of the new stations projected to be part of this development.
Posted by YCC 141